Everybody Loves Tuscany

Espresso Cream Pancakes

These espresso cream pancakes created by Fabio Vivani are easy to make and will surely satisfy any sweet tooth.

A great pick me up with added espresso which is perfect for the holidays or any weekend to enjoy.

You won’t find a pancake batter recipe included because that’s easy. This recipe calls for your own pancake batter recipe or you can use any pre-made boxed version. What Fabio Vivani will teach you in this recipe is to make delicious quick cream to be used.

As a plus, Fabio Viviani will teach you how to make espresso using an Italian moka pot.

In this comical video, Fabio style, cooks up some scrumptious pancakes filled with comedic relief throughout. Check out his pancake flipping skills in this video!

Here are the ingredients for this scrumptious recipe of espresso cream pancakes: