Everybody Loves Tuscany

Torta della Nonna

Torta della Nonna is a popular Italian cake filled with custard cream and topped with pine nuts. Recipe courtesy of Cooking with Manuela

Ingredients: to make an 11 inches (28 cm) tart
For the dough (pasta frolla):

For the custard pastry cream (crema pasticcera):

For the top: 

Preparation time: 30 minutes to prepare, 1 hour in the refrigerator, plus 45 minutes in the oven
1. Prepare the dough: in a food processor, add the flour, sugar, lemon zest, salt and the butter cut in pieces. Pulse until the mixture looks like a coarse meal. Add the vanilla extract, two eggs plus the egg yolk and mix only until the dough comes together. If by any chance the dough is too dry add a little bit (maybe one or two tablespoons) of milk. If too wet, add a bit of flour.