Everybody Loves Tuscany

Round 3 – Italian Slang Words

Here is Round 3 of Italian Slang words!

Italian Slang words are commonly used in everyday Italian just like the slang words used in other languages. Slang is an informal part of speech that consists of a word or phrase. Italian slang as in slang in other languages is more common in speech than formal writing.

Italian slang is fun to learn and it helps one to quickly understand a situation expressed by the speaker.

In this video by Italian for Americans, you will learn 10 Italian Slang words. Each word or phrase will be repeated a few times, plus the Italian slang word will be used in an expression which will be translated into English. This is very helpful so you can understand how and why the Italian slang word is used.

For Round 1 of the Slang Words, click here

For Round 2 of the Slang Words, click here

The 10 Italian slang words covered in this video are as follows:

Dai – come on hurry up

Basta- stop or enough

Boh- I don’t know

In bocca al lupo – break a leg or good luck

Figurati – don’t mention it or don’t worry about it

Che schifo – gross

Cavolo – damn

Figo/che figo – cool/how cool

Magari – maybe/I wish

Mamma mia – my goodness