Lockdown Round 2 Tuscany

Tuscany Lockdown Round 2

Tuscany, including Florence, where I’ve lived for the past 5 years, is about to start a second lockdown.  The world watched as we first endured a prior lockdown in March knowing it was coming their way with increasing infections of Covid-19 spreading throughout our world.

In Italy, we had a very strict initial lockdown, unlike America.  Our lockdown included restricted movement to the immediate vicinity of our homes, mandatory masks, business closings and so much more or we faced fines and jail time.

As an American, I understand the fight against being restricted and will always feel a rebellious side, but I also understand what is right for the greater good. This is not about politics which many believe.  It is about stopping to overwhelm our facilities which care for the hospitalized patients with Covid-19.  It’s out of control and that must be our priority for those who need intensive care.

With restrictions, we all suffer a loss due to Covid1-19.  Whether it is the loss of a family/friend, money or time we can’t get back, it is real for us all.  And, it hurts us all. We’ve all known a second wave was coming, right?  No matter where you live, this is not a shocking surprise. So what have we learned and where do we go from here?

Well, we’ve learned that remote working is possible in many fields which also saves on babysitting costs and office rental.  We’ve learned that many restaurants here in Italy would have never imagined to offer take out or delivery before, must now rely on it.  We’ve learned that the internet is a great source of marketing to get brands known when shops previously only counted on tourists or word or mouth. We’ve also learned that hairdressers are essential and I’m grateful they were included in open businesses in Italy so far.  A boost to morale we all need during this time!

There are many more positive opportunities that can come from this pandemic if we are open to new ideas and forge forward instead of giving up.

I’m certain brilliant ideas will come to fruition if we push ourselves to think out of the box.


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