Everybody Loves Tuscany

Top 5 Things to bring to Italy for Friends/Family

Top 5 Things to bring to Italy for Friends/Family

If you have ever wondered what to bring your expat friends or family in Italy, I’ll fill you in with some of my cravings. When family and friends do bring my desired treats, my Italian friends are always happy to sample them and quite enjoy them as well!

I’ve been living in Florence for over a year now and although I prefer the Italian delicacies I enjoy every day, some days I just want a Reese’s peanut butter cup for instance. BRING REESE’s.

I’ve heard a lot of expats complain that they can’t find Skippy peanut butter, but it is well stocked, although expensive, at my neighborhood grocery store. Before I came across it, I sampled the Italian peanut butter and would have added to the list. Ask your family or friends if they can get Skippy or Jif and bring it if they can’t.

Next up is DORITO’s. I’ve been able to find some tortilla chips, but it is not the same. I miss that over abundance of cheese and especially the cool ranch flavor. BRING IT TO ME!


Ziplock bags…… Although I hear they may exist somewhere in Italy, I have yet to find them.   All I find is paper thin bags with a tie. I want to zip lock it fresh for the freezer and storage. I NEED THEM!

Finally, the winter flu can be rough in Italy as I had it 4 times last year so NYQUIL is the remedy I miss. I found something similar, but not as effective and also in a small bottle at least double the price. I need that “nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, fever, so you can rest medicine.”


I have definitely tried to buy what is available in Italy as I live in Florence now, but sometimes, there is no substitution.


Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life

– Anna Akhmatova