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How to avoid paying foreign transaction fees

How to avoid paying foreign transaction fees

Going on vacation is an invitation to splurge. It might be fine to order that unnecessary third bottle of chianti at dinner in Italy, and it might even be OK to purchase that rug in Turkey, even if you don’t really need it, because that rug will really tie the room together. But it’s not OK to start throwing money down the toilet, and that’s basically what you’re doing when you’re paying those $5-$10 ATM fees or 3% credit card fees. It might not sound like a lot, but all those little dollars and percentages add up. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got your back. You can effortlessly save $50 to 100 a week with these tips.  Read the rest of the article by Megan Snedden for Road Warrior Voices below:

How to avoid paying foreign transaction fees

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